On April 8, 2023, the final stage of the project "iDare 2023" organized by the Academic Lyceum of WIUT, took place at the Agency for Youth Affairs.
The students of various educational settings including the Academic Lyceum of WIUT, International House Tashkent Lyceum, Al-Khorazmi International School, School №5, School №273, Cambridge International College in Tashkent, State Profession-occupational school and others participated in this project with their incredible speeches.
The main goal of this project was to increase the public speaking and professional presentation skills of the students.
During the event, overall, 18 participants provided their presentations on various topics.
The judges evaluated the participants' performances based on the criteria including choice of topic; accuracy and fluency of speech; organization of speech; interaction with the audience; self-confidence, and designing professional slides.
At the end of the event, the following students were announced as the winners of the project:
1st place - Akbarova Zumradkhon - Al-Khorazmi International School
2nd place - Abdumuminov Sarvarbek - State Profession-occupational school
3rd place – Artikova Diyora – Academic lyceum of WIUT
At the end of the event, certificates and prizes were awarded to the winners and participants.